Стипендиатка Фонда Мария Чмир: Помните, что именно вы формируете будущее нашей страны
Мария Чмир – студентка 3 курса Северо-Казахстанского университета им. М. Козыбаева по специальности «История (учитель гуманитарных предметов)». Её увлечение историей и археологией, стремление к развитию науки, творческое мышление и активная общественная позиция позволили ей стать стипендиаткой Фонда Нурсултана Назарбаева.

Фонд Нурсултана Назарбаева в Актюбинской области: расширяя границы возможностей
С новой обширной программой Фонд Нурсултана Назарбаева приехал в Актюбинскую область.

Museum of the First President announces the launch of a new project “My History”
The Museum of the First President launches the “My History” project – a digital archive dedicated to the lives of people who found themselves in Kazakhstan during the years of deportations, repressions, Virgin Lands development, and large-scale construction projects. This initiative aims to preserve the memories of those who contributed to the formation of our country’s multiethnic society.

Объявление о проведении закупок способом конкурса на приобретение товаров, работ и услуг «Оснащение 2 центров для детей с аутизмом и другими ментальными нарушениями»
Корпоративный фонд «Қамқорлық Қоры» БИН 200240009071 (далее — Заказчик) объявляет закупки способом конкурса на приобретение товаров, работ и услуг для Оснащения 2 центров для детей с аутизмом и другими ментальными нарушениями 4/11-КФ в соответствии с перечнем приобретаемых товаров, работ и услуг Приложение 1 способом конкурса (далее - конкурс).

Итоги проекта «Қаржылық инсайд»: повышение финансовой грамотности в Жамбылской области
В Таразе состоялся круглый стол по итогам проекта «Қаржылық инсайд», реализованного Общественным объединением «Жамбыл облысы Жастар мәслихаты».

The issues of preserving and promoting the historical heritage were discussed in the museums of Karasay district
Productive meetings of the team of the Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan were held in Shamalgan and Kaskelen in the Karasay district of Almaty region.

Открыт прием заявок на конкурс социальных идей и проектов ЯСИ 2025
Фонд Нурсултана Назарбаева объявляет старт республиканского конкурса социальных идей и проектов в рамках XXI Ярмарки социальных идей и проектов. В 2025 году конкурс проходит под темой: «Поддержка молодежи и подростков в современном мире: вызовы и решения».

В Астане открылась выставка «Дорога единства», приуроченная к 30-летию Ассамблеи народа Казахстана
О роли, значимости и развитии деятельности Ассамблеи народа Казахстана (АНК) сегодня говорили во время работы диалоговой платформы «Память поколений».

Фонд Нурсултана Назарбаева объявляет конкурс грантов на поездки в сфере культуры и искусства
Фонд Нурсултана Назарбаева открывает конкурс на получение грантов для поездок на международные и республиканские мероприятия в области культуры и искусства. Молодые деятели творческих профессий смогут получить финансовую поддержку для участия в конкурсах, фестивалях, стажировках, симпозиумах, мастер-классах, биеннале и конференциях.

Announcement of a Competitive Procurement Process for the Supply of Goods, Works, and Services for «Equipping Two Centers for Children with Autism and Other Mental Disabilities»
The «Qamqorlyk Qory» Corporate Fund, BIN 200240009071 (hereinafter - the Customer), announces a competitive procurement process for the supply of goods, works, and services to equip two centers for children with autism and other mental disabilities (3/11-KF) in accordance with the list of purchased goods, works, and services.

Dilyara Mukanov, a scholarship holder of the Foundation: Art gives a person a real gift - the ability to share knowledge, emotions and feelings at the same time
Since childhood, music has become a part of Dilyara's life, thanks to the attentiveness of her parents, who supported her interest and sent her to a specialized boarding school in Karaganda. There, she not only mastered the basics of performing skills, but also found a love for musicology, composition and music theory.

Open Lectures of the "School of Sociologists" will be held in Astana
The open lectures of the "School of Sociologists-2025" will take place in Astana!

Announcement of a Competitive Procurement Process for the Supply of Goods, Works, and Services for «Equipping Two Centers for Children with Autism and Other Mental Disabilities»
The «Qamqorlyk Qory» Corporate Fund, BIN 200240009071 (hereinafter - the Customer), announces a competitive procurement process for the supply of goods, works, and services to equip two centers for children with autism and other mental disabilities (2/11-KF) in accordance with the list of purchased goods, works, and services.

New Additions to the Museum's Library Collection
The library collection of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Museum has been enriched with a new multi-volume edition, "Shygarmalary", a compilation of works by prominent Kazakhstani statesman, journalist, and Doctor of Philological Sciences Sauytbek Abdrakhmanov.

Results of the Startup Academy Educational Project Announced
Supporting youth in acquiring progressive knowledge is one of the key state policy priorities and an important focus of the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation.

Scholarship Holder of the Foundation, Zhibek Slambek: Your Hard Work, Knowledge, and Perseverance Will Surely Lead You to Success!
Zhibek is a 20-year-old student from Shymkent, currently in her fourth year at the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, specializing in Pharmaceutical Production Technology. Her passion for research and dedication to the advancement of the pharmaceutical industry have helped her become a scholarship recipient of the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation.

Scholarship Holder of the Foundation, Amina Gabdullina: «Each of You Can Reach Great Heights If You Follow Your Dream»
Amina is an 18-year-old student from Pavlodar, currently in her third year at the State Educational Complex "Music College - Boarding Music School for Gifted Children," specializing in Accompaniment and Teaching at a Children's Music School. Her passion for music and dedication to excellence have led her to become a scholarship recipient of the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation.

Scholarship Holder of the Foundation, Fariza Kalendarova: «Your Efforts Will Surely Be Rewarded»
Fariza is a 20-year-old student from Priozersk, currently in her fourth year at Zhezkazgan University named after O. A. Baikonurov, majoring in Electrical Engineering. Her passion for knowledge and active participation in scientific research have helped her become a scholarship recipient of the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation.

Announcement of a Competitive Procurement Process for the Supply of Goods, Works, and Services for «Equipping Two Centers for Children with Autism and Other Mental Disabilities»
The «Qamqorlyk Qory» Corporate Fund, BIN 200240009071 (hereinafter - the Customer), announces a competitive procurement process for the supply of goods, works, and services to equip two centers for children with autism and other mental disabilities (1/11-KF) in accordance with the list of purchased goods, works, and services.

Nazarbayev Foundation Scholar Mariyam Almakhan: «Creativity is the Language I Speak with the World»
Mariyam is a 17-year-old scholar of the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation from Astana, currently a third-year college student at the Kazakh National University of Arts. She is studying to become an artist and is deeply passionate about her craft.