About the Corporate Foundation «Museum of the First President»

The Corporate Foundation «Museum of the First President» implements scientific, cultural, social, and informational-educational projects to preserve, document, systematize, and promote materials related to the life and work of Kazakhstan's First President.

The museum serves as an open platform for public engagement, reflecting the processes of shaping national and cultural identity and promoting Kazakhstani patriotism.

Mission: To analyze and preserve the historical legacy of the First President, Nursultan Nazarbayev, while promoting and supporting his ideas and initiatives to ensure the preservation and transmission of historical experience to future generations.


  • establishing museum operations based on advanced management practices and strategies adopted by ideological organizations and leading global presidential libraries and archives;
  • creating an informational resource hub as a reliable national source on the First President's life, achievements, ideas, political philosophy, and strategic initiatives;
  • conducting active scientific and exploratory work to build and expand unique personal archival, documentary, and literary collections of the First President, ensuring public access in accordance with the law;
  • developing thematic exhibition programs to present the «Nazarbayev Model» as the foundation of Kazakhstan’s statehood and showcasing the President's pivotal role in national and global history.

Contact Numbers:
Office: +7 (7172) 70 83 54
Tour Reservations: +7 (7172) 70 83 65, +7 (702) 258 66 08
Instagram: first_president_museum
