
The Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy is pleased to announce the call for applications for the Nazarbayev Prize for a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World and Global Security.

The Nazarbayev Prize for a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World and Global Security is awarded for:

- outstanding contribution to nuclear non-proliferation, disarmament, the reduction and destruction of nuclear stockpile, the cessation of nuclear tests, peaceful use of nuclear energy;

- vigorous activity aimed at strengthening peace and friendship, mutual trust between nations, equality and equal security in interstate relations.

Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreign citizens and stateless persons, as well as local, international and (or) foreign organizations may apply for the Prize.

Local, international and (or) foreign organizations have the right to nominate for the Prize.

Applications can be online submitted to the website of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy specifying personal data of the applicant, citizenship, occupation or employer, academic degree, academic or honorary title (if any) of the applicant and other information confirming his/her outstanding contribution and (or) vigorous activity of the applicant.

Applications for the Nazarbayev Prize can be submitted to the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, 1 Bokeykhan Street and/or by e-mail: no later 1 April, 2019.

For more information on the Nazarbayev Prize do not hesitate to contact: +7 7172 708 292
