
The participation of young talented scientists in scientific internships, conferences and forums is an integral part of their work and career growth. For several years, the Foundation of the First President has successfully held a competition of travel grants to support gifted youth in the field of science and culture.


One of the lucky ones who took advantage of this program became a young scientist, doctor PhD Yerbol Shabanov. The grant holder of Elbasy Foundation works as the head of the laboratory of ferroalloys and recovery processes at the Chemical and Metallurgical Institute named after J. Abishev, Karaganda.


The grant helped Yerbol Zhaksylykuly to speak at the International Scientific Conference “Physicochemical Basis of Metallurgical Processes” named after Academician A.M. Samarin. Meeting of scientists and representatives of industrial enterprises involved in the problems of ferrous metallurgy from different countries took place at the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science named after A. A. Baykov, RAS (Moscow).


At the conference, Kazakhstan scientist presented a key report on the topic “Smelting of refined grades of ferrochrome using a new complex alloy of alumina-silicochrome.” Yerbol Shabanov noted that the material presented created some buzz among scientists, since his report addressed a series of problems associated with smelting of refined ferrochrome. Conference participants were also interested in the current state of ferroalloy industry in Kazakhstan.


On the sidelines of the forum, the scientist established a scientific relationship with colleagues from Moscow, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg and Magnitogorsk. The established cooperation envisages the participation of scientists from Kazakhstan in master and postgraduate programs of leading Russian institutes involved in the training of specialists in the field of ferrous metallurgy.


By the way, Yerrbol Shabanov is the winner of a number of scientific grants, prizes and scholarships, as well as the winner of many competitions. Among his achievements is a victory in the competition of innovative projects “Nurintech” in the nomination “Best Young Scientist”. Note that this competition was initiated by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev.

