
In Almaty, with the support of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, was held the first international forum «The contribution of young scientists to the industrial-innovative development of the agro-industrial  complex».

          The forum was initiated by young scientists of the Kazakh National Agrarian University in the framework of the activities of the Year of Youth.

          In the course of the Forum, such topical issues as digital technologies in agriculture, the commercialization of projects of agricultural students and the introduction of foreign experience of agricultural enterprises were discussed.

          Representatives of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Non-Public Joint-Stock Company «The National Agrarian Research and Education Center», the Entrepreneurship Development Fund «Damu», members of the Councils of Young University Scientists, young scientists research institutes and universities of Turkey, Poland, Serbia, Bologna, Russia, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan.

          Opening the Forum, Director of the Representative Office of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty Sergey Tokhtarov noted:

          - The goal that the Forum sets itself is to unite the scientific thoughts and creative ideas of young scientists to solve the problems of modern agrarian science and the agro-industrial complex closely coincides with the need to digitalize agriculture. Digitalization is a global trend followed by all countries aimed at developing a competitive economy and improving the quality of life of the population.

          The forum organized an exhibition of start-up projects and the results of research work of young scientists. For them, a member of the Science Council at the Foundation of the First President, a certified business coach and a well-known business mentor Gani Abadan conducted a master class #БизнесПоЛюбви, sharing skills in finding a niche and urging young scientists to monetize their knowledge and talents.

          The forum provided an opportunity for young scientists to declare themselves, to build a scientific dialogue with colleagues from different countries, to show their projects and establish business contacts for the future.


Press Service of the Foundation of the First

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

PR-manager Artur Zhumashev

+7 (727) 220-92-16, +7 (708) 960-56-13,

Photo: Vitaly Tkach

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