
The concept of zhety qazyna has a special place in the mindset of Kazakh people. Zhety qazyna means seven treasures. The Kazakh people associate many names and sayings with number seven. In ancient times, a Kazakh nomad used to have seven treasures - smart wife, a fast-footed horse, hunting golden eagle, loyal dog, weapons, trap, and a large cooking pot. All these treasures were called “zhety qazyna”. The idea to develop Zhety Qazyna app reflects this element of epic poetry and emphasizes traditional values.

The app has seven sections, such as the sacred meaning of numbers, customs and traditions, national heritage, folk wisdom, national art, taikazan, wonders of the great steppe, and it will be available in Kazakh and Russian languages. The app provides interesting facts, stories and legends as well as cultural traditions of the Kazakh people.

The main mission of “Zhety Qazyna” encyclopaedia is to create an encyclopaedic resource about Kazakhstan accessible to everyone online. All information in the encyclopaedia can be copied and modified. Everyone can add information to the encyclopaedia. The app has colourful maps, charts, tables, diagrams, portraits, and photos. The encyclopaedia has an interesting, entertaining and understandable language and serves to expand horizons, cultivate citizenship and high patriotism.

    contacts-Shaueev Azat Sadmetovich
    Shaueev Azat Sadmetovich
    Director, State Language Development Foundation
    contacts-Kamysbayeva Sulushash Imankulovna
    Kamysbayeva Sulushash Imankulovna
    Project Manager, State Language Development Foundation

    «Zhety Qazyna» mobile app

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