
In the Nazarbayev Center, with the participation of 300 delegates from 20 countries, topical issues of the development of the «green economy», the use of so-called «clean energy», and the problems of the development of renewable energy were discussed.

The Executive Director of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy Asset Issekeshev in his speech during the summit outlined the problematic issues, his vision for resolving them. In particular, he noted: «For the successful implementation of the principles of the green economy, it is necessary to institutionalize legislation and train specialists. It is very important to form groups of highly effective specialists who are able to develop new standards and ensure the transformation of industries in terms of introducing new technologies». In addition, Asset Issekeshev proposed to hold a summit annually and prioritize such a direction as resource conservation in construction and agriculture.

Another speaker, Chairman of the Foundation «Skolkovo» Arkady Dvorkovich, agrees with Aset Issekeshev’s opinion: «I agree that for the development of the green economy as a whole, an integrated approach is needed. Only consideration of issues of renewable energy sources is usually too narrow, closed on business interests. When we look at the problem comprehensively, when we consider all the components - production, use, storage, consumption culture, new management approaches, then the picture becomes complete. We can get maximum results».

During the summit, startup projects in the field of renewable energy were presented to potential investors.

In general, the participants of the event positively assessed the steps of Kazakhstan aimed at developing the «green economy», strengthening interstate cooperation in these matters. Thus, Michael Williamson, the head of the UNESCAP UN Energy Section, said: «UNESCAP shares your desire to switch to green energy sources. We are interested and focused on issues of cooperation with you on this issue».

As a result of the event, a Resolution was adopted that reflects key aspects and recommendations for the development of the renewable energy industry in Kazakhstan. Thus, the resolution noted that the participants in the summit submit for consideration by the authorized state bodies a proposal to develop a special program for the development of the «green economy» for a five-year period.

As part of this initiative, the Resolution proposes to reflect the main directions in the form of renewable energy development, efficient use of natural resources, energy saving, energy efficiency, implementation of the best available technologies in industry, environmental events, smart-grid and smart-cities, and more.

Also, in the Resolution, it was noted that a special role should be given to the development of domestic Kazakhstani science and advanced know-how, as well as an increase in the content of «Made in Kazakhstan» goods, works and services in ongoing and planned green projects.

In order to create a «green» culture, the Resolution proposed to develop a special project for promoting the principles and ideas of the «green economy» among children and youth.

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