
The book «Uly Dala Tarihy» about the history of several millennium of the Great Steppe received the highest award at the «Card Couture Award-2019»  in Prague. This is one of the prestigious awards in Europe, which is awarded annually in seven categories.

          According to the organizers, more than 100 applications have been submitted for the award ceremony this year on behalf of the publishing houses. Thanks to the content of the book, the high appreciation of the materials used to create it, and the interesting construction, «Uly Dala Tarihy» became the winner in the nomination «Best Book».

          Berik Barysbekov, a well-known publisher who was publishing a book with his team, noted: «Uly Dala Tarihy» was written by order of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy. It is based on the book of Nursultan Nazarbayev «In the stream of history. Material was collected over 10 years. We managed to illustrate the history of the Great Steppe over several millennia. There, not only the history of one country - Kazakhstan, but also the history of the Great Steppe as a whole - about the peoples, tribes, great cultures that existed here».


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