
In Almaty, from May 15 to 17, the I Open Republican Pop Singing Contest «Atameken Juldyzy» will take place. Creative competitions of young performers aged from 15 to 24 years old are organized by the Almaty College of Music, named after P. I. Tchaikovsky with the support of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy.

The goal of «Atameken Juldyzy» is the formation and development of national traditions of vocal performance. The competition is also aimed at solving such problems as improving performance skills and enhancing the creative activity of young performers, expanding the repertoire of participants.

One of the objectives of the project for the future is to stimulate the professional and amateur creativity of composers and poets to create new pieces of music for modern music.

The competition coincided with the Year of Youth in Kazakhstan, which determines its mission. Namely - the creation of additional opportunities and conditions for the realization of the creative potential of young people, which is consonant with the main direction of the Foundation of the First President to identify and support talented young people.

- Over the years of cooperation with the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy in Almaty College of Music, named after P. I. Tchaikovsky implemented several bright large-scale projects. We hope that the first competition of pop singers «Atameken Zhuldyzy» will attract new and more extensive audience, and will cause undoubted interest not only among the direct participants of the project, but also among students of various age groups. Thanks to this competition, young talented singers will receive a launching pad for the further successful career of a variety performer, - said Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, director of the Almaty College of Music, named after P. I. Tchaikovsky Birzhan Khasangaliyev.

A distinctive feature of this competition from other vocal competitions of a similar format is that each participant, no matter what country he will represent, must perform a work by a Kazakhstan composer.

Note that in the competition, which will be held in two stages, students of music colleges of Kazakhstan at the age of 15 to 24 years will take part. Participation of foreign contestants is also expected.

The professional jury consisted of well-known cultural and art figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan: the jury chairman - People’s Artist of Kazakhstan Nagima Eskaliyeva; jury members - Maryam Dumanova, Anel Arinova, Nurgul Nugmanova, Zhanbol Tuleshev.


Dear media representatives!

We invite you on May 15 at 10:00 am (Wednesday) to the opening ceremony of the competition, which will be held in the Big Concert Hall, named after E. Serkebayev in the Almaty College of Music, named after P. I. Tchaikovsky at the address: Almaty, Manas Str. 13


Press Service of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

PR-manager Arthur Zhumashev

+7 (727) 220-92-16, +7 (708) 960-56-13 ,
