
From June 24 to 28, the 3rd Interdisciplinary School for Young Kazakhstani Scientists «Science School Kaskasu», organized by the Science Council of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, was held in the Turkestan region. This year, participants of the republican educational project were trained in the monetization of scientific projects. Traditionally, the school was attended by leaders of student organizations, chairmen of the Councils of young scientists of universities and research institutes, teachers and researchers up to 30 years.


In order to get on the five-day program, young scientists have been pre-screened. From more than 100 applications, the organizing committee selected 27 people. Comfortable conditions, relaxed atmosphere and fresh air immersed young scientists in an atmosphere conducive to scientific creativity and the generation of ideas.

Recall that the main goal of the current school is to teach young scientists and researchers to monetize research projects and technological developments. The implementation of this task becomes more relevant in the Year of Youth announced by Elbasy N. Nazarbayev. The members of the Science Council at the Foundation believe that young scientists need to learn to attract various sources of funding and support for research projects. Successful passage of this school in many respects can contribute to the emergence of youth science to a new level of commercialization.

— Participation in the Science School Kaskasu summer school for me is a great opportunity to gain new knowledge, experience and skills in presenting, promoting and commercializing my research and ideas. In addition, we all have already received a big bonus - new contacts and acquaintances, which later will bring fruitful results, and I hope will grow into joint research, shared impressions Dr. PhD in Biology, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraygyrov Irina Chidunchi.

During the week, summer school participants were trained in project management, teamwork, conflict resolution, public speaking skills, the basics of effective presentations, copywriting basics, and much more. The program was designed in such a way that young scientists could create the concept of a scientific project on a given topic and present it to the jury members.

The school was held in a completely new format for such events. Working in groups allowed her to gain new skills and experience. It is worth noting the professional level of lecturers. We, young scientists, have the opportunity to establish new scientific ties. Applied orientation of Science School Kaskasu gives an excellent start for a young scientist to his self-improvement and further scientific achievements, - said Dr. PhD in Physics, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumilоv, Laureate of the Award of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy Aliya Alzhanova.

The team building conducted at the beginning of the school allowed the project participants to show their leadership skills, tune in to teamwork and form goals for achieving success in developing and protecting a research project.

Science School Kaskasu is one of the necessary projects for people in science. The summer school provides great opportunities for the development of teamwork skills, manifestations of its leadership positions, improvement of time management and scientific improvisation. I think such projects for young scientists are necessary, and should be continued in the form of the implementation of scientific research, - says the leading researcher of the Institute of Applied Chemistry of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilоv Gulsana Sisengaliyeva.

When developing a scientific project, young scientists relied on their main specialization in science, personal work experience and new knowledge gained in school. A mentor was appointed to help each team from among the members of the Science Council of the Foundation and successful scientists. The task of the mentor was to support the team members and explain to them the basic principles of communicating scientific ideas to the investor.

The summer school in Kaskasu is a unique platform that has given us, young scientists, to show their creativity, ideological and non-standard approach to solving problems. This is a platform where you can find points of contact with colleagues from other regions of the country, and expand the scope of their competencies. I thank the Foundation of the First President for an excellent program and organization, said Dr. PhD in management, acting assoc. Professor of KazATU, named after S. Seyfullin Zhanna Bulkhairova.

On the last day of school, young scientists presented research projects on the following topics: «Healthy nutrition service», «New generation glasses for the visually impaired», «Energy saving systems for educational organizations» and «Biological preparation for pest control».

The teams justified the relevance of their projects, defended the estimates for their implementation, and talked about the possibility of commercialization of scientific ideas submitted to the court.

The organizers noted that all projects are worthy of their buyer in the person of the business sector, however, they need to be refined, taking into account comments from the jury and experts from the scientific community. We add that the main goal of the school has been achieved - young scientists have been taught to create projects focused on monetization and access to a wide consumer market.

This is more than just a school. It was very interesting to work on a project in a research group. Our team gathered real professionals, and each lobbied for their approach. We argued a lot ... But this is a competition of ideas, and it had a positive effect on the result, - concluded Dr. PhD on hydraulic engineering and construction, associate professor of Taraz State University named after M.H. Dulati Zhangazy Moldamuratov.

Press service of the Foundation of the First

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy

PR-manager Arthur Zhumashev

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