
Last Sunday in Almaty ended the short film festival – IV International Short Film Festival Baiqonyr. For five days, from September 4 to 8, at the Kinoplexx cinema Sary Arka, young directors from Kazakhstan, Russia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Altai, Tatarstan, Azerbaijan and Belarus delighted lovers of short films with their work. The festival was supported for the third time by the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy.


According to the organizers, the regular support of the Foundation of Elbasy instills confidence in them and gives strength to work on improving the quality of the festival. In addition to the fact that the fourth Baiqonyr ISFF significantly changed the program, it first entered the international level. Its program director Yerzhan Zhumabekov spoke in detail about the transformation of the festival: «This year we collaborated with local and foreign film festivals such as Ushkyn and the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, which facilitated new acquaintances, the exchange of experience and contacts for participants. If earlier we also showed films made by well-known directors or university graduates, this year we focused on the work of students. When building the program of the film festival, we also started from the fact that this year was proclaimed the Year of Youth, therefore, young professionals in their field – cameraman Azamat Dulatov and director Serik Abishev were invited to share knowledge and conduct a master class. And the opening film «Su» with its theme of love of two young people set the direction for the film festival».

The winners of the 4th International Film Festival Baiqonyr were selected by two jury members. The international collegium, which watched the work of Kazakhstani participants, included: Chairman and the Director of the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen Christiana Büchner, the Program Director of the CIS Young Film Forum «UMUT» Gulbara Tolomushova, the Director and Scriptwriter Serik Aprymov, the Director of Eurasian Creative Guild Film Festival Mayra Karsakbayeva, winner of the III Baiqonyr SFF Timur Serdalin, the producer Daniyar Ibragimov. The national jury evaluating the international competition was composed of: the Chairman – Director, winner of the Moscow International Film Festival «Golden George» Farhat Sharipov, producer Diana Ashimova and cameraman Azamat Dulatov.

— I am grateful that I was invited to the film festival as a jury. I was always interested to find out how things are with a short meter in Kazakhstan. Having watched a lot of works, I was pleasantly surprised, and I am glad to the attention of the audience for short films, their number at shows. Young Kazakhstani filmmakers need a platform for communication, getting to know each other, showing their films. And the Baiqonyr Film Festival gives them this opportunity, moreover, it has become that platform, — said Christiana Büchner, chairman of the international jury.

No less interesting for the participants and students were master classes from the director of photography Azamat Dulatov and the director and producer Serik Abishev. Each of them spoke about the peculiarities of their activities, shared their work experience, gave practical advice to future specialists and, of course, answered current questions from the audience.

Christiana Buchner, in turn, also noted that, despite the wide range of feature films, Kazakhstanis have much to strive for. In her opinion, «local directors need to experiment more, observe the development of the cinema and think about what the viewer did not see, perhaps shoot and show topics that you can’t just talk about, but you need to feel».

So, the winners of the international competition:

  • Special jury prize – «Izgorod» /«Fence»/, Mikhail Kulunakov (Altai Republic);
  • Best Screenplay – «Videoregistrator» /«Dashboard camera»/, Sarah Knar (Kazakhstan);
  • The best cameraman is «Franka», Pavel Skakun (Belarus);
  • Best actor – «Goodbye», Salamat Nurmambetov and Daniel Kurmanaliyev (Kyrgyzstan);
  • Best Director – «51+», Daniyar Abirov (Kyrgyzstan);
  • The best film is «Goodbye», Karash Zhanyshov (Kyrgyzstan).

Representatives of the international film festival «Ushkyn» presented their own nomination for the best student film to the film «Kagaz tikushak» /«Paper helicopter»/ by Alisher Zhadigerov.

In the national competition, the victory went to:

  • «Broadway Choice» – «Dombyra», Ramadan Haliolla;
  • Special jury prize – «With a diploma in the village», Samgar Rakhym;
  • The best documentary – «Khan’s Dances», by Rabiga Orynbasarova;
  • Best production designer – «Status is not free», Asel Ulzhebayeva;
  • Best actor – «Burning coals», Sanjar Mustafa;
  • Best actress – «Kagaz tikushak» /«Paper helicopter»/, Laura Zhadiger; «Zhazdyn salqyn tunі» /«The cool night of the summer»/, Anel Islyamova;
  • The best operator – «Bauyr» /«Brother»/, Aydos Suleimen;
  • Best director – «Bauyr» /«Brother»/, Elaman Shaubanov;
  • Grand Prix – «Zhazdyk Salgyn Tuni» /«The cool night of the summer»/, Amir Amenov.

The winners of the IV Baiqonyr ISFF were awarded with diplomas and figurines «The First Step».

—– No matter how trite it sounds, I would like to wish the young filmmakers faith and desire. Belief in your sincerity and in what you do, what it is and should be. As long as this feeling of faith is present in you, you will go to a victorious end, —  concluded the chairman of the national jury, the director Farhat Sharipov.

The general partner of the film festival was Kinoplexx Theaters.

Information about the Baiqonyr ISFF participating films can be found on the festival website

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Айдана Мамаева


ҚР Тұңғыш Президенті- Елбасының Қоры

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