
Kazakhstan science, thanks to the talent of young scientists is rapidly developing and improving the life of society. New technological developments, scientific research, useful discoveries and inventions – the finest minds of modern youth are focused on creative direction. The main thing is to create the necessary conditions.

Support of breakthrough ideas is one of the priorities of the First President Foundation. The motivational programs of the Foundation in science and technology continue to reveal the names of many young scientists in Kazakhstan. One of them is Indira Beishova, Doctor of Biological Sciences.

The young scientist won a grant from Elbasy Foundation, which allowed her to develop a test system for the detection of pathogenic microorganisms in crops. In other words, the development of Indira Beishova will provide a rapid and accurate identification of the pathogens of the most common bacterial diseases of grain crops in Kazakhstan.

The advantage of the developed test system is the speed of result, its specificity and “sensitivity” over conventional methods for the detection of grain pathogens.

The results of the research work are published in the peer-reviewed foreign journal included in the Scopus database, as well as in the journal recommended by the Committee for Control of Education and Science. In addition, Indira Saltanovna was granted utility patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The remarkable thing is that Indira Beishova is the winner of the Prize of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy for high achievements in science and technology, the holder of the state scientific scholarship for young scientists from the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, winner of the regional competition among higher education institutions “5 new people in higher education of Kostanay region” in the nomination“Science”.
