
During February 10 – 14, 2020, Turan University in Almaty with the organizational support from the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy, National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty City “Atameken”, and Kazakhstan Marketing Association holds the Festival of Business Ideas. Schoolchildren and students of the metropolis will participate.


Within five days, participants of the festival will be trained in the fundamentals of entrepreneurship. Thus, thanks to the intensive program of the event, students will acquire skills of writing a business plan, developing a business strategy, and learn the intricacies of customer relations, including the formation and retention of loyal audience.

The speakers of the festival will share with the participants various forms of business support, while business trainers will present a career path in business – where to learn, how to develop and find inspiration for entrepreneur.

The primary objective of this project is to present opportunities of conducting your own business. Moreover, the festival aims to promote leadership, emotional intelligence, creativity and teamwork among schoolchildren and students. Thus, the participants will be able to apply the knowledge and tools immediately after the educational program.

An important part of the festival is the competition of business projects “Young Business Project” (schools, colleges, universities). It is intended to develop competitive, socially responsible and initiative individuals. The competition will be held in two stages: absentee – selection in accordance with the regulation criteria, and presentation of projects to the jury and determination of the winners.

At the Festival of Business Ideas, it is planned to open the Training Center for Entrepreneurship of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty City “Atameken” based in Turan University.

Also, within the framework of the Festival, master-classes, workshops and the international research and practice conference “Jas Kasipker” will be held in absentia.

Dear media representatives!

The official opening will take place on February 10, 2020 at 10:00, Turan University, Satapayeva 16 А, Almaty

For accreditation, please contact:

Razakova Dina Ibragimovna- +77017237130

Edigeyeva Roza Makashevna – +77014882469

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