
The activities of many medical and social institutions (MSI), where children with special needs from 4 to 18 years old, orphans lives, are carried out with serious violations. The quality of caring for children in some regional MSIs requires attention. First of all, this is due to low qualifications of employees, non-observance of the daily routine, norms of work of institutions.

 In this regard, there is an urgent need to eliminate these shortcomings in the activities of local self-government, to implement comprehensive measures to introduce the method of “care with respect”, prepare children for independent life, improve medical, social, psychological and correctional services.

Therefore, the “Qamqorlyq” Corporate Found, under the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized training for 200 employees of medical and social institutions in Kazakhstan.

The training is carried out by specialists trained by leading specialists in Italy, as well as by the team of the Center for Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Disabled People – Kenes, under the leadership of Mayra Suleeva.

First stage online seminars.

Second stage includes practical sessions on the place of work within 8 regional MSIs, particularly, West Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, Turkestan, Kostanay, Atyrau regions and Shymkent.

Specialists will go to these regions to conduct training - starting with the organization of space for children, especially, psychomotor, sensory behavior, emotional perception of children - to individual development plans, proper feeding and rehabilitation.

According to the head of the KF "Qamqorlyq" under the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation, the chair of the Council for Family Affairs, women and children's rights protection at the Nur Otan party, Dinara Zakiyeva - In 2019, the working group of the Republican Public Council on Family, Women and Protection of Children's Rights under the Nur Otan party monitored 1,350 institutions for children in all regions, including medical and social institutions (MSI) of Kazakhstan. Violations and shortcomings were identified in the quality of childcare, in adherence to individual plans for the development of children, the regime of the day, in treatment and rehabilitation, the level of material and technical equipment.

The head of the Fund shares information on specific unacceptable facts revealed during the monitoring: «When we checked the video recordings from the MSI cameras, we saw that the children were fed in a horizontal position, without raising their heads. Even those who can sit are tied up with diapers (like a straitjacket) and left in this position for a long time during the day. Also, there are facts, when in 2 days the children were taken out of the room for a maximum of 1.5-2 hours, the girl from 6:40 am to 8 pm for 2 days was in the same position in her walker. In addition, due to the discrepancy between the size of the stroller, age and height, children were forced to spend the whole day bent over in an uncomfortable painful position.».

According to Mrs. Zakiyeva, “in regards to the violations revealed by the Council, the Ministry of Social Protection and regional akimats are updating equipment. However, the most important thing is that it is extremely important to organize training and retraining of the personnel of these institutions. We need modern approaches to education. It is of paramount importance to use only those approaches that are scientifically proven to be effective and safe. This will improve the quality of work with special children. "

The training of MSI employees during October and November of this year will be performed online. After that, within seven months, professional development will be organized with the departure of specialists directly to the regions of the country.
