
In Almaty, the Eurasian Technological University with the support of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy held a scientific and technical conference «Innovative Technologies in Engineering».


The conference was aimed at motivating and enhancing student research activities in the field of technical specialties - mechanical engineering, transport, transportation equipment and technologies, electric power, as well as standardization and certification.


The conference was opened by a welcoming speech by the rector of ETU Zhanar Temirbekova. She noted in her speech that «The Eurasian Technological University, which provides training for technical specialists, considers the research work of students as one of the main and important areas of quality education. In his Message to the people of Kazakhstan, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Elbasy N. A. Nazarbayev, said: «... the paramount task of the modern education system is to prepare people who have critical thinking and are able to navigate information flows». In this regard, and in order to popularize and enhance the status of scientific activity, the university actively supports young scientists. Participation in scientific circles and work as an executor in the university’s research projects are highly appreciated».


The rector also noted the importance of holding scientific and technical conferences, which are «a great opportunity for students to show the results of research work and get an assessment of their work».


Key speakers of the scientific and technical conference were Gani Zhumatai, the Scientific Secretary of the LLP «Scientific and Production Center for Agricultural Engineering»,   Zhandos Shynybay, the Head of the Department of Energy Saving and Automation of KazNAU, Vladimir Laptev, Senior Lecturer of Educational Programs at Engineering of ETU, and others. On the margins of the conference were identified possible prospects for close cooperation between the university and manufacturing enterprises.


Ilyas Dyusebayev, the Chief Engineer of LLP «Almaty electrical factory switchboard», added that  «... digitalization of machine-building enterprises is the key to successful digitalization of the entire economy of Kazakhstan and the fact that innovative technologies in engineering are not only digital technologies, but mainly they are the people who create them».


The second half of the conference continued with the work of three sections, where, in addition to ETU students, students from the Satbayev University took an active part. There were about 50 reports in total, the best of which were awarded with diplomas of I, II and III degrees. So, the reports on the topic «Plastic separation in the process of garbage recycling» (Zhamal M., art. 4 courses of Kazakh National Research Technical University named after Satpayev) and «Eco-cars - cars of the future» (Ibrayev A., art. 4 courses of Kazakh National Research Technical University named after Satpayev) shared the first place.


Conference materials will be included in the electronic collection of ETU.


Press Service of  the Foundation of the First President

 of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy

PR-manager Zhumashev Arthur

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