
In Kazakhstan, more than 147 thousand children with disabilities. According to world statistics, every 68th child has autism and ASD. The number of children with delayed speech development is growing rapidly. All these children often suffer from sensory dysfunctions and experience sensory hunger.

The sensory integration (SI)* method is aimed at the habilitation and correction of such children. At present, only a few specialists use the SI method in Kazakhstan: speech therapists, defectologists, psychologists, neuropsychologists. The problem lies not only in the shortage of specialists, but also in the absence of special manuals and equipment of domestic production.

The project «Kishkentai» of the Public Association of the «Center for Social Initiatives «Belsen» is designed to solve this problem to some extent. Today, under the brand of the same name, several types of products are manufactured: sets for breathing exercises, weighted vests and blankets, sensory-dynamic complexes.

Over the past few months, the team «Kishkentai» tested and prepared for production sets for sensory development that have no analogues in Kazakhstan. They include aromaloto, lotto of smell, cards for visual perception, sensory bags, simulators for auditory perception, sensory lottos. The kits are made from certified and hypoallergenic raw materials from the USA, Europe and Russia. A patent for an industrial design is registered at the National Institute of Intellectual Property. Young people with disabilities participated in the production process. The first batch of sets was produced with grant support from the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy. The project is a winner of the Fair of Social Ideas and Projects  «Zamannyn` ziatker jastary - vision of the future», organized by the Foundation in April this year.

The presentation of new products will be held November 20 at 10:00 at the address Nur-Sultan, Dostyk Str., 5 (IQ Coworking). Within the framework of the presentation, a workshop will also be held for employees of correctional rooms in the republic, master classes from leading industry experts, a workshop, an exchange of experience are provided. The event will be attended by representatives of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, representatives of correctional rooms, centers, Foundations of Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Kostanay, Aktobe, Karaganda region, Kyzylorda region, East Kazakhstan region, North Kazakhstan and Akmola regions. All sensory sets (100 units) produced within the framework of the project will be donated to correction rooms and special institutions of the republic.


Inquiries by phone: +7 702 680 65 70



*Additional information on sensory integration

Recently, experts are increasingly talking about such a thing as «sensory hunger», which means a lack of sensations of one or more sensory organs.

Modern children, especially urban ones, have many limitations. Parents do not allow them to walk barefoot, touch natural «trash» on the street, paint on themselves, eat with their hands and much more. Instead, children get unlimited access to gadgets. Spending hours spending time with the gadget, the child overloads the visual and auditory receptors, while the rest of the senses experience deprivation. As a result, the child develops «sensory hunger».

Sensory integration therapy is aimed at the development of all sensory systems: visual, olfactory, tactile, tactile, vestibular, and proprioceptive. Sensory integration in Europe is a common procedure for the development of all children in general. In Kazakhstan, there are only a few specialists in sensory integration.

Indications for sensory integration are hyperactivity, muscle contractures, impaired speech, mental development, cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome, and also the recovery period after surgery, bone fractures, injuries.

In addition, sensory integration correction therapy is indicated for children who have difficulty writing, problems with posture and scoliosis, fears, phobias, problems with speech and any kind of motor skills, and coordination of movements.

Through the use of sensory kits during training sessions, the child can get all the necessary tactile sensations and stimulation of nerve endings

