
In Almaty, with the support of the Foundation of the First President, the Republican contest «Festival of Pedagogical Ideas»  was held. More than three hundred teachers for several days competed for the title of the most innovative and creative. Only seven minutes were allotted for the performance. During this time, participants had to talk about how to fully interest pupils in the subject and what reforms should be carried out in education.


The goal of the Festival is to stimulate creative self-realization and professional growth of teachers, to study and disseminate the innovative experience of leaders and teachers of schools in Kazakhstan.


Teachers from all over the country, all types and types of educational organizations, liberal arts colleges, educators and methodologists of pre-school organizations, music workers, teachers of additional education, class teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, pathologists, methodologists of regional centers for working with gifted children, educational centers.


Educators presented thousands of original ideas. They were evaluated by professors of leading universities of the country. As a result, 22 of the most unusual teaching methods were selected. Their authors became winners.



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