
In Almaty, within the framework of supporting the Year of Youth, the first Republican Championship in Robotics among universities «IITU Robocon 2019» was held. The initiative of the IT-university and the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy united a large number of Kazakhstan students. With their creative adaptation to science, the participants of the championship contributed to the creation of a creative society, ready to move to the new realities of the digital state.


In competitions aimed at attracting Kazakhstani youth to participate in the innovation activities of the country, 15 university teams competed. They presented two robots to the court of competent jury - automated and controlled. Each robot had its own task: if the controlled one moved along a certain trajectory and loaded the balls into the hole, the automated one sent the rocket to the improvised planet.


- We have long thought about our robot, how it should look, how to build the logic of its intellect, what practical value it will have. It is good that the organizers set a clear task - to build a robot based on the Arduino platform, which takes into account the full development cycle. I want to say thank you to the Foundation of the First President and the IT University for organizing «IITU Robocon 2019». It's great that the Head of State shows interest and attention to our hobbies, shared his impressions  during the tournament, Yury Turkovsky,  4th year student of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov.


Mentors worked with each team for 7-8 months, which helped young designers to design robots and prepare them for the championship. The work of future IT specialists and robot builders was evaluated by representatives of the International University of Information Technologies, the Council for Science at the Foundation of the First President and even invited guest from Japan Mr Arai - an employee of the non-profit professional association ABU Robocon.


By the way, Mr Arai noted the excellent training of robot teams and highly appreciated the scientific and technical potential of Kazakhstani youth. By awarding the winner, and they were the team of Almaty Management University, Mr Arai invited the champion in robotics «IITU Robocon 2019» to the international tournament ABU Robocon, which will be held this year in Mongolia. The second place went to the team from the Kazakh National University, named after Al-Farabi, the third place was deservedly received by cadets of the military-engineering institute of radio electronics and communications.


We add that the winners received valuable prizes: for I place - a 3D printer, for II - a quadcopter, and for III - a laptop.


Student competitions in robotics «IITU Robocon 2019» were held in the ice palace Halyk Arena. For the participants of the championship and the full audience hall, popular performers of Kazakhstan stage music - Ali Okapov, Ziruza, Q-pop  «Newton» boysband of the genre and modern dance groups performed.


The event was held as part of the development of «The Digital Kazakhstan» and «Ruhani Zangyru» programs.


Press Service of the Foundation of the First

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

PR-manager Artur Zhumashev

+7 (727) 220-92-16, +7 (708) 960-56-13 ,

Photo: Vitaly Tkach


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