contest-img Soyle means speak. Indeed, you can only learn to speak by speaking, therefore learning words, grammar, developing listening comprehension, reading and listening to different materials is the basis for developing a colloquial language. is an online Kazakh language course, the first free project created by the State Language Development Foundation with the support of the Foundation of Nursultan Nazarbayev, Samruk Kazyna and Samsung Electronics.

The author of the idea and online course is Azat Shaueev, head of the State Language Development Foundation.

The creative team (linguistic scientists, methodologists, practicing teachers) worked on the project led by Doctor of Philology and Professor Aiman Aldash and Candidate of Philology Asylzhan Tureniyazova.

Studying this online course, you will successfully master the Kazakh literary and colloquial speech. The course will help you speak fluent Kazakh and understand conversation in various situations. You will learn how to read, pronounce words and form sentences correctly. With the help of different situations for conversation, you will be able to compose your own dialogues, monologues, freely express your thoughts both verbally and in writing.


    contacts-Kamysbayeva Sulushash Imankulovna
    Kamysbayeva Sulushash Imankulovna
    Project Manager, State Language Development Foundation
    contacts-Shaueev Azat Sadmetovich
    Shaueev Azat Sadmetovich
    Director, State Language Development Foundation

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