
The «Creators of the Era / Contemporaries» historical and memorial project presents modern history from a new perspective, reinterpreting historical events, figures, and processes using contemporary analytical methods, new sources, and viewpoints.

The project also aims to honor and recognize the contributions of individuals who have played a significant role in societal and cultural development, viewing them as creators of their time or contemporaries of key historical events that have influenced global, regional, and national history.

As part of the project, thematic events are organized, focusing not only on academic and museological significance but also on relevant socio-political issues in the history and modern development of Kazakhstan.

The project engages individuals, public and cultural organizations, and specialized institutions from the CIS and foreign countries as partners.

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    Museum Exhibition Service
    contacts-Museum Exhibition Service
    Museum Exhibition Service

    Historical and Memorial Project «Creators of the Era / Contemporaries»

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