
In Almaty, from March 1 to March 4, 2019, will be held the IX Republican vocalists' competition named after Kulyash Baiseitova, organized by the Almaty Music College, named after P. Tchaikovsky with the support of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy.


The project is implemented within the framework of the modernization of public consciousness «Ruhani Zangyru»  and the Year of Youth in Kazakhstan announced by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.


The competition is aimed at supporting young opera singers and identifying the best of them. The project also aims to revive and popularize among young people the names of prominent artists who have made significant contributions to the development of the national musical culture of Kazakhstan.


Note that the last time the republican competition named after Kulyash Baiseitova was held in 2005. Thanks to the Foundation of the First President, 14 years later, the project begins a new creative life.


- It is gratifying that in our country there is such an organization as the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which for many years supports projects and initiatives of our college. The revival of the Kulyash Baiseitova Competition after 14 years is a truly unique phenomenon in the creative life of Kazakhstan. Such support from the Foundation of the First President gives us a powerful impetus for the revival of outstanding names associated with the history of the musical culture of our people, - said Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Director of the Almaty Music College, named after           P. Tchaikovsky Birzhan Khasangaliyev.


The competition will be held in two groups. The first group - students of vocal departments of music colleges. The second - students, undergraduates of vocal departments of higher musical educational institutions and professional opera performers under the age of 32 years. Total number of participants is more than 100 people. They represent all regions of the country.


The contestants will be evaluated by well-known representatives of the operatic arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Gulzat Daurbayeva (chairman); People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Gafiz Yesimov; People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Bazargali Zhamanbayev; Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor, laureate of the Award of the Foundation of the First President Azamat Zheltyrguzov.




Dear journalists and editors of the mass media!


We invite you on March 1 at 10:00 (Friday) to the opening ceremony of the competition, which will be held in the Big Concert Hall named after E. Serkebayev, Almaty Music College, named after P. Tchaikovsky at the address: Almaty,  Manas Str. 13


The closing ceremony and awarding of the winners will take place on March 4 (Monday). Time will be announced later.

Press Service of the Foundation of the First

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

PR-manager Artur Zhumashev

+7 (727) 220-92-16, +7 (708) 960-56-13 ,

Media news