
With this project, the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan invites Kazakhstani society to expand the concept of «inclusion».

October 19 / Saturday / the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the support of the City Administration of Almaty, will bring together children and adolescents for the sixth time under the dome of the inclusive festival «Aman Keleshek» – «Healthy Future». The festival, designed to support special children in social adaptation and socialization, will bring together more than 3,000 participants from the city of Almaty and other regions of the country. One of the main partners of the socially significant project of the Foundation of Elbasy was the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Kazakhstan.

The children’s inclusive cultural and sports festival «Aman Keleshek» has been held in Kazakhstan since 2014. During this time, more than 20,000 children and adolescents from all over the country took part in it. These are children with disabilities, children from low-income and large families, children from orphanages and boarding schools, gifted children, young athletes, winners of school competitions and laureates of competitions.

The mission of the republican festival «Aman Keleshek» is to provide equal opportunities for children and adolescents in creativity, sports and education, regardless of their social status. To accomplish this task, the Fund of the First President, together with partners, creates all the necessary conditions within the framework of the festival for the realization of the talents and internal potential of young Kazakhstanis.

If earlier the festival was a space in which only master classes in such areas as choreography, martial arts, robotics, circus art, film production, aircraft modeling, equestrian sports, chess, etc. are unfolding, then this year «Aman Keleshek» changes the usual format. The program of the upcoming festival will include a concert program with the participation of children and pop stars, inspirational performances by motivational speakers and interactive games with event participants.

Particularly noteworthy is the second part of the updated festival «Aman Keleshek», during which three large venues will work – educational, creative and sports. In the section «Education», representatives of educational institutions will present training programs for grants, talk about professions in which children with disabilities will be able to realize themselves in the future, conduct training courses on vocational guidance, etc. And NGO representatives will share their experience of participation in inclusive projects, conduct short lectures and trainings for social educators.

«Creative» zone will become a center of attraction for all comers, where master classes in drawing and painting, paper modeling, decorative and applied art and floristry will take place.

As part of the section «Sports», the Center for Social Inclusive Programs of Saltanat Murzalinova-Yakovleva will hold sports games and relay races with the participation of standard-type children, special children, their parents and teachers. The objective of this site is to teach in a game format the qualitative interaction of the section participants, relying on the strengths of team members.

It should be noted that the entire program of the festival «Aman Keleshek – 2019» is aimed at expanding the concept of «inclusion» to «social inclusion». In other words, the Foundation of the First President, following its mission to develop a competitive nation, within the framework of the festival creates the opportunity for everyone to be included in the socialization process – special children, children from low-income families, children from orphanages and boarding schools, gifted children and young athletes.

The First President’s Foundation expresses gratitude to the partners who assisted in holding the festival «Aman Keleshek»: Almaty City Administration, UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Kazakhstan, Almaty City Branch of the Youth Wing «Jas Otan» of the Party «Nur Otan», Palace of Sports and Culture named after B. Sholak, «Rakhat» JSC, company «Asia Su» («Turan» water), the Center for Social Inclusive Programs of Saltanat Murzalinova-Yakovleva, the Production Center «Tandau», Almaty Management University, the University «Synergy», the Center for Children with Autism «Asyl Miras», Private Charity Fund «Azamat Aleueti».


Dear media representatives!

We ask you to support you with an important socially significant festival in our country with information support, and we invite you to:

October 19 / Saturday / at 10:00 in the Palace of Sports and Culture, named after B. Sholak at the address: Almaty city, Abay Ave. 44.

Accreditation to the contacts below.


Contacts for communication:

Press Service of the Foundation of Elbasy

PR-manager in Almaty Artur Zhumashev

+7 708 960 56 13, +7 (727) 220-92-16
