
April 10, 2019 at 17.00 as a result of joint cooperation of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy and the French Embassy in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the National Museum of Kazakhstan will host the exhibition of the French photographer Eric Vazzoler «Radiant Youth of Sarzhal».


The photographs of the artist symbolize the revival of the region, a new breath of life. This makes the author's project beyond the scope of everyday documentary photography.


The exhibition brings together 35 photographs made by Eric Vazzoler from February to March 2019 in the historic region.


The main characters were children and adolescents living in the territory of the former Semipalatinsk test site in the village of Sarzhal, East Kazakhstan region. For 40 years, there have been tests of weapons of mass destruction. In total, about 500 nuclear tests were performed at the Semipalatinsk test site. The total power of all these explosions is 2500 times the power of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.


The testing ground, which brought a lot of suffering to Kazakhstan, was closed in the end of 1991 on the initiative of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan — Elbasy N.A. Nazarbayev. This decision has become the main symbol of the struggle for a nuclear-free world and a vivid example for other countries implementing anti-nuclear policies.


Eric Vazzoler began his professional career in 1968 in the editorial staff of the magazine Liberation and in the young agency Vu. The art photographer dedicates his work and many master classes to young people in France, Germany, Poland and the countries of the former USSR.


It should be noted that this is not the first joint project of the Foundation of the First President and the French photographer Eric Vazzoler. In 2017 and 2018 he conducted training workshops for children on photography with neuropsychiatric pathologies, with Down syndrome, as well as for visually impaired children. The result of the training was the republican photo exhibition  «Zhana kozkaras».


Residents of the capital and guests of the city will be able to see the exhibition of the French artist from 10 to 20 April 2019.


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