
The Council of Science at the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy on August 6-9, 2019 holds the III Forum of Young Scientists «BURABAY FORUM: international cooperation of Kazakhstan» in Nur-Sultan and Akmola region.

During the Forum, attention will be paid to the synthesis and systematization of the scientific-theoretical and practical experience of domestic and foreign scientists dealing with the problems of cross-border cooperation; expansion of contacts between educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries, conducting joint scientific research. It is planned to discuss the most relevant areas of contemporary research, as well as to outline ways for their further development. Young scientists under the age of 40 and organizations interested in the scientific activities of young people are invited to participate in the forum.



New functional materials and high technology

Agroindustrial complex of the XXI century: science and innovations

Digital technologies in marketing and logistics

Kazakhstan in the Eurasian space in the XXI century: prospects for international cooperation in the fields of science and culture

Systemic medicine - multidisciplinary development of medicine, health care and social security


Requirements for the design of the article

1. Text up to 5 A4 pages in Kazakh, Russian or English should be typed in Microsoft Word. Font «Times New Roman», «Kz Times New Roman» 14 size, line spacing 1. Alignment of text in width. Hyphenation automatic. No pagination.

2. When writing an article, you must adhere to the following plan:

- FULL NAME of the author;

- place of work, position, academic degree, academic title;

- the title of the article (in capital letters in the middle of the line without a dot);

- empty line;

- text of the article;

- on a separate sheet - full name, address, contact telephone numbers, email address, date of birth (day, month, year).

3. The text of the article should correspond to the topic of the forum, be carefully verified and edited; abbreviations and conventions are applied with their definition at the first mention.

4. References to literary sources should be indicated in square brackets with an ordinal number in the list of references.

5. The article should be submitted in the electronic version.

6. You must have a brief annotation or summary of 3 languages.

7. Figures are executed in * .bmp, * .tif, * .jpg, * .wmf format or in the Microsoft Graf embedded editor in black and white. The signature of the figures is carried out in 12 font, in italics, down the center.

8. Tables are executed in the built-in tabular editor Microsoft Word. The signature of the tables is carried out in 12 font, in italics, above the center.

9. Formulas are executed in the formula editor MS Word Equation.

Materials for publication must be sent (by July 20, 2019) to the specified email addresses. The organizing committee reserves the right to select articles.

Publication of materials is free.


Address of the organizing committee: Almaty, Ivanilov Str, 12 A. The Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy. Tel. 8 (727) 220 92 24, Edigeyeva Roza Makashevna.
