
Announcement # 02/3-КФ
  on the selection of proposals from potential suppliers
for the purchase of goods and services
"Equipment of Qamqorlyq ‘’Ogytu ortalygy"

October 7th, 2020

Corporate Found «Qamqorlyq qory» (hereinafter - the Customer) announces the selection of potential suppliers for the purchase of equipment for "Equipment Qamqorlyq "Ogytu ortalygy" 02/3-KF in accordance with the list of purchased goods Appendix No. 1 by the method of assessment and comparative analysis of proposals from potential suppliers (hereinafter - selection).

The actual address of the Customer's location: Kazakhstan, 010000, Nur-Sultan, 55/13 Mangilik El ave., Block C2-1, 3rd floor, office 3.22.9, tel. 8 (7172) 26 66 91, 8 (7172) 24 87 94

Selection procedure:

1. The amount allocated for the purchase of goods, services, including VAT, is 27,402,156 (Twenty seven million four hundred two thousand one hundred fifty six tenge 00 tiyn) by type of goods, services in accordance with the technical specifications of the purchased goods, services attached to this announcement.

2. The announcement of selection (hereinafter - the announcement) is accompanied by:

- list of purchased goods, services Appendix No. 1;

- price offer form Appendix # 2;

- technical specification of the purchased goods, services Appendix No. 3 (TS01 - TS54);

- draft agreement Appendix No. 4,

which are an integral part of this announcement.

3. The documents required to participate in the selection of potential suppliers shall be submitted in a sealed envelope before the start of the envelope opening procedure specified in this announcement of selection, and must contain the following information and documents:

1) name, actual address of a potential supplier;

2) price offer (s). Each potential supplier submits only 1 (One) price offer for 1 (One) lot, signed and stamped (if any) of the potential supplier in accordance with Appendix No. 2;

3) technical specification (s), signed and sealed (if any) by a potential supplier;

4) the original or a notarized copy of the certificate of state registration (re-registration) of a legal entity or a copy of an electronic certificate of state registration (re-registration) of a legal entity, obtained from an official Internet source (; for an individual - the original or a notarized copy of a document granting the right to carry out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity, issued by the relevant state body or a copy of a document obtained from an official Internet source (;

5) for a legal entity - the original or a notarized copy of the document on the appointment (election) of the first head of the potential supplier and the co-executors involved by him;

6) a copy of the established form of an electronic certificate confirming information on the absence (presence) of tax arrears, arrears on mandatory pension contributions and social contributions, obtained from an official Internet source (;

7) a certificate from all second-tier servicing banks, financial and microcredit organizations about the absence of overdue debt on loans and issued card files to settlement accounts for the last 12 (twelve) months;

8) originals or notarized copies of licenses or licenses in the form of a copy of an electronic document and / or patents, certificates, certificates, permits, and other documents confirming the right of a potential supplier to produce, process, supply and sell purchased goods, provide services provided for by the legislation of the Republic Kazakhstan (if the selection conditions assume an activity that is subject to compulsory licensing);

9) other documents drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the technical specification of the C

4. The documents specified in paragraph 3 of this announcement, sealed in envelopes, are presented (sent) by potential suppliers to the address: Kazakhstan, 010000, Nur-Sultan, st. Mangilik El 55/13, block C2-1, 3rd floor, office 3.22.9, tel. 8 (7172) 26 66 91, 8 (7172) 24 87 94

On weekdays until 18:00 no later than October 14, 2020 until 17:00.

5. Registration of potential suppliers and / or their representatives for participation in the meeting of the selection committee for opening envelopes with price offers is carried out no later than October 14, 2020 by 5:00 pm.

6. Opening of envelopes with price proposals of potential suppliers will be carried out at the address: Kazakhstan, 010000, Nur-Sultan, st. Mangilik El 55/13, block C2-1, 3rd floor, room 3.22.9, October 15, 2020 at 10:00.

7. Presentation by a potential supplier of a price offer is a form of expression of his consent to participate in the selection and delivery of goods, provision of services in compliance with the conditions provided for in the information on the selection and technical specification.

8. To participate in the selection, a potential supplier must have legal capacity (for legal entities), civil legal capacity (for individuals).

9. Goods, services must be delivered, rendered within the time frame established by the list and technical specification (s) of the purchased goods, services provided.

10. The conditions for the supply of goods, the provision of services contained in the price offer must not contradict the conditions contained in the electronic announcement of selection posted by the Customer.

11. On the front of the sealed quote envelope, the prospective supplier must indicate:

1) name, BIN and postal address of the potential supplier (legal and actual, indicating the postal code), as well as contact information (e-mail, phone numbers);

2) the name, BIN and postal address of the Customer, which must correspond to the same information specified in the electronic announcement of selection;

3) the name of the selection for participation in which a price offer of a potential supplier is provided with an indication of the lot (s) number (“Participation in the selection of potential suppliers of goods, services by the method of evaluating and comparative analysis of proposals of potential suppliers for the purchase of Equipment" Kamkorly "Ogytu ortalygy 02/3 -КФ ____________________________________ indication of the name and number of the lot (s) is required, "DO NOT OPEN BEFORE: 10:00 o'clock on October 15, 2020").

12. The envelope (s) with the price offer (s), drawn up in violation of the requirements of clause 11 of this announcement, are not subject to registration.

13. The envelope (s) with quotation (s) submitted after the deadline for submission will not be accepted. Envelopes received by mail for participation in the selection in violation of these requirements may not be opened and stored for 1 (one) year.

14. When concluding an agreement with the winner, it is envisaged to secure the obligations under the agreement in the amount of 3 (Three) percent of the total amount of the agreement.

If the agreement provides for the payment of an advance (prepayment), the potential supplier:

1) provides security for the contract in the amount of 3 (Three) percent of the total value (amount) of the contract;

2) in addition to securing the execution of the contract, makes a security for an advance (prepayment) equal to 6 (Six) percent of the amount of the advance (prepayment).

The required time for signing the contract is within 3 (three) business days from the date of receipt of the draft contract, including those delivered electronically.