
The Presentation of the book «The Formation and Development of Modern Kazakhstani Statehood (first hand)»  was held at the Nazarbayev Center.

The book is devoted to the analysis of the historical process of Kazakhstan’s acquisition of sovereignty, the formation and improvement of individual institutions that make up the supporting structures of independence.

One of the features of the book is that it was created by state and public figures who were direct participants in the transformations and reforms initiated by Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev. These are people who, in the first decades of Independence of Kazakhstan, together with the First President worked on the creation and development of the most important institutions and industries of the state.

Through this book, the reader can learn firsthand about the milestones of the development of sovereign Kazakhstan, about how the ideas and instructions of Elbasy were implemented.

In his welcoming speech, Igor Rogov, the Deputy Executive Director of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy, noted: «The book is an important source of reliable information for historians, scientists and political scientists. The book is of particular importance for the younger generation. It is important for young people to know about what periods the country experienced in the first decades of its Independence, what fundamental principles and vision of the future were guided by Elbasy, building a new Kazakhstan in a new world. Thus, the study of the book by young people will contribute to the awareness of the history of the native country, its popularization, and the strengthening of patriotism among young people. This is also the main value of the work presented today».

The Chairman of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kairat Mami, noting the importance of writing a book by people who personally participated in the reforms, emphasized: «The great Napoleon has the words: «We create a story that historians then rewrite. To prevent this, it is necessary to generalize the history in a timely manner».

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