The Nation’s Cultural Code

«The first condition for modernization of a new type is the preservation of one's own culture and national code.»
From N.A. Nazarbayev’s article
«A Look into the Future: Modernization of
Public Consciousness», 2017
By combining traditions with innovation, the Foundation contributes to preserving national values and shaping the future for new generations. In today’s rapidly changing world, the Foundation actively implements projects aimed at preserving, studying, and promoting the country’s cultural and historical code.
Социальный навигатор

Cultural and Informational Project «Ulttyq Qazyna»
The «Ulttyq Qazyna» cultural and informational project is dedicated to the preservation and transmission of national values to future generations. It plays a key role in shaping national identity, continuity, and solidarity.

«Tauelsizdik dauiri»
«Tauelsizdik dauiri» is an educational project designed to cultivate an interest in Kazakhstan’s history and develop analytical thinking among youth.

Historical and Memorial Project «Creators of the Era / Contemporaries»
The project presents modern history from a new perspective, reinterpreting historical events, figures, and processes using contemporary analytical methods, new sources, and viewpoints.

Scientific Research Project «Artifact»
Project aims to preserve and promote the legacy of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, N.A. Nazarbayev, through systematic expansion and enrichment of the Museum's archival, book, and material collections.

Exhibition Project «The Art of Dialogue»
The project aims to develop new public platforms for cultural, historical, educational, and memorial initiatives.

«Aitys» Program
The «Aitys» program is a platform for comprehensive support and development of Aitys art among young people, preserving this invaluable spiritual heritage and fostering the creative abilities of young improvisational poets (akyns).

Portal «Guide to the Memoirs of the First President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev - "My Life. From Dependence to Freedom"»
The «Guide to the Memoirs» portal is a modern platform designed to preserve and promote Kazakhstan’s historical heritage, combining tradition and innovation to provide access to unique knowledge.