
Kazakhstani scientists took part in the first stage of the Second Central Asian Scientific Forum on Sustainable Development and Innovations, which was held at the British University of Loughborough.


The second stage of the forum will be held on April 4 in Kazakhstan with the support of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy.


The British University of Loughborough is a high-ranking and one of the top 10 universities in the UK. He is known for his programs aimed at translating scientific research into business.

Our scientists presented scientific projects aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of the entire Central Asian region.


The event was attended by the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the UK E. Idrissov, the British Ambassador to the Republic of Kazakhstan M. Gifford, Director for Education of the British Council R. Everitt, member of the House of Lords Baroness E. Satti, Rector of Loughborough University R. Ellison, representatives of the British and international business, as well as academics from Central Asian states.


The main purpose of the event was the presentation of current research projects of Kazakhstan doctoral students, discussion of their advantages and disadvantages with representatives of leading British universities and large companies. As part of the Forum, doctoral students and scholars from leading British and Irish universities, such as Loughborough University, Trinity College in Dublin, University College London, universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Lester, Liverpool, and others presented advanced projects on digitization of the health care system, increasing the yield of Kazakhstan wheat, mining waste processing, sustainable development of the chemical industry, urban planning, tourism and education.

Projects presented in the event in the field of chemical industry, the development of new materials, agricultural production are evidence of the seriousness of the intentions of young scientists to develop a world-class academic system and improve the quality of life in Kazakhstan.


In general, today in the UK more than 80 doctoral students from Kazakhstan are studying, studying in various specialties, including medicine, hydrology, chemistry, biology, physics, economics, mathematics, IT, business management, etc. 85% of doctoral students are scholars of «the Bolashak» presidential program, and the remaining 15% are holders of grants from British universities.


In order to facilitate the interaction of young scientists of the two countries in the field of science and education, in November 2017, was created the Association of Kazakhstan doctoral students in the UK, which became the initiator of the Forum.

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